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12 Week Results




Mary's Story!

"My recent hike through Shenandoah National Park was a defining moment for me. For me, it was an indicator of how far I had come over the past three months. Overweight for all of my adult life and diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis several years ago, the pain and fatigue of my disease made it difficult to walk from my car to the grocery store, much less hike. And the fact that I was 25 pounds overweight only made it worse. The fact that I hiked seven miles that day was exhilarating. And it was all because of Bella Nutra and Healthy Eating.

In just three months, I lost 25 pounds. Combined with Pilates classes, healthy eating the Bella Nutra way was responsible for giving me back my life. Not only could I hike for several miles, but I could also now spend time with friends and family in the evenings and on weekends, instead of "resting" at home alone, waiting for the pain and inflammation to subside.

Childhood Weight Problems

My weight problems began as a young child. I was 9 years old the first time I went on a diet. While my relationship with food has always been unhealthy, it spiraled out of control when I developed bulimia during my teenage years. I regularly binged and purged to maintain a healthy weight, and I suffered daily with debilitating fatigue and headaches.

Weight problems during my formative years led to yo-yo dieting for most of my adult life. I tried Weight Watchers, but despite following the plan, my weight did not change by more than a few pounds. I also hired a personal trainer, certified to work with people with disabilities, but saw few results. By the time I hit middle age, I had gained another ten pounds and resigned myself to being inactive and overweight for the rest of my life.

Then, during this past holiday season, I ran into a friend I had not seen in three months. I barely recognized her. Not only had she lost a significant amount of weight, but she also looked healthier than I had ever seen her. The skin glowed, and she walked with a bounce in her step. Curious as to what could bring about such a significant change in just three months; I asked her how she did it. She told me about Bella Nutra, and for the first time in years, I felt hopeful that I could lose weight, too.

The Bella Nutra Way

In a little over a week, I was beginning phase one of the plan. Almost immediately, my fatigue lessened, and I found myself able to do more throughout the day. As the pounds dropped off, so did the pain in my joints and fatigue, enabling me to add another Pilates class to my week. I was hooked.

Although I would grow discouraged when my weight hit a plateau, Lisa would coach me through the process, making changes to my plan or adding an "apple day," when the scale didn't budge for a few days. Lisa's upbeat attitude and daily encouragement were key to my success. I know of no other program that offers this kind of support. When I finished the program, I was worried that I would be unable to maintain my weight loss. But that was not the case. It's been about six weeks since I've finished the program, and I've lost another few pounds, hitting my goal weight in a little over three months' time.

I haven't weighed this much since high school. To celebrate, I went out and bought a pair of skinny jeans. I frequently receive comments from friends and family about how great I look. While it's been fun to buy new clothes (my latest purchase was a pair of pants in a size 6; down from a size 12) it's the health benefits that matter most to me. My increased energy levels and decreased pain brought about by eating the Bella Nutra way has given me back my life. Now, I am more active than most healthy women my age, and I love the way I look and feel.

If you struggle with being overweight, I urge you to consider trying the Bella Nutra way. It will change your life.


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